After years of depression, gentle electromagnetic stimulation of the brain may provide relief

  After years of depression, gentle electromagnetic stimulation of the brain may provide relief Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation – generated by electromagnets placed on the head – can reset brain networks. By Leo Smith Kate Kelly described it as a dense fog lifting – a fog that had enveloped her for three decades. “It’s as if it’s… Read More »

Understanding Major Depression: Symptoms & Treatment Options

Major depression is a serious mental illness characterized by a continuous sense of despair, depressed mood, and persistent hopelessness. The patient takes no interest in life and finds very little to no pleasure in living. Some other symptoms of the disease include constant feelings of guilt and failure, a disturbed sleep schedule, and suicidal thoughts.      … Read More »

Take Back Your Golden Years from Elderly Depression

  The National Institute of Mental Health considers elderly depression to be a major public health problem.  Clinical depression in the elderly is common, affecting nearly 6 million Americans ages 65 and older. But only 10{2997f8544d703ffd995cbf0748d9148f9150b33c2eb54c93a5197645ffc3f066} receive treatment for depression. This is most likely because depression impacts older people differently than younger people. And oftentimes… Read More »

TMS for the Treatment of Chronic Pain

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe, non-invasive, drug-free, and FDA-approved procedure that has been recognized to be successful at relieving major depression. This groundbreaking technology works in a way that allows electromagnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, causing an effect that aims to control one’s mood and minimize chances for depression… Read More »

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How TMS Could Help You Overcome Your Fears and Phobias

In recent years, TMS has become increasingly mainstream as a safe, effective treatment for depression. But researchers are realizing that the applications of TMS reach far beyond depression alone. Recent studies suggest that TMS may be used to treat a spectrum of anxiety disorders ranging from social anxiety disorder to acrophobia (the fear of heights).… Read More »

How TMS Could Help You Overcome Your Fears and Phobias
Posted in TMS

What is the Difference Between ECT and TMS?

When antidepressants aren’t working, people with depression may turn to brain stimulation therapies for treatment. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) both provide alternatives to chemical treatments for depression. However, while both use electrical current to activate regions of the brain, in many ways these therapies are quite different. ECT was invented in the… Read More »

Posted in TMS